🌸 Noire Henro-san: Elastic Mind

For a few months, I attempted to get my life back to the normal I knew. But things changed. I learned that I did not want to live the same life I left. Already, Shikoku 88 temple pilgrimage was in my mind’s conversation, Could I do this again, another long walk nearly as long, this time in Japan? I knew and didn’t know.

I thought about it. It brought up fears and uncertainties. I decided to do it anyway.

Every now and then a man’s mind is stretched by a new idea or sensation, and never shrinks back to its former dimensions. After looking at the Alps, I felt that my mind had been stretched beyond the limits of its elasticity, and fitted so loosely on my old ideas of space that I had to spread these to fit it.

– Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr

At Temple 44 Daiho-ji. I crossed the halfway mark on my 88 temple walk on Shikoku Island in Japan. That’s counting. Is that even the point? The walk on the path toward enlightenment is not about counting temples, steps or stamps. Maybe it is or isn’t, but I do it.

Temple of the Pure Lapis Lazuli

Main temple building on a stretch of land in Japan.

Closeup of main temple building. on stretch of Shikoku 88 pilgrimage.

Stretch of forest land featuring old trees and stone pillar.

Stretch of stone steps to temple buildings.

Temple fountain to wash and stretch before prayer at main temple.

Buddha's footprints on a small stretch of temple grounds.


Temple of the Western Forest

Another stretch of stone steps to the temple.

A stretch of road on the way to temple 48.
Marker pointing to temple 48.

The Temple of the Eight Slopes

Incense urn in front of the main temple building.

A stretch of buildings on temple grounds.

A stretch of stone bridge on temple grounds.

Still on the way.

See you next time.

Baadaye and Mata Ne (またね)

Shirley J ♥️

This and several posts this summer will chronicle my pilgrimage in Japan where I am walking the 1200 kilometer-long Shikoku 88 temple pilgrimage. Read my announcement here.
