ere we are.… once again. It is “all hallow’s eve“. Many people departed this earth for all reasons that are familiar to the world: chronic illnesses, accidents, suicides, homicides, and war.
The loss of mother, father, the love of our life, a beloved child or relative, or the best friend in the world is a hurting thing.
We are not alone.
There is the rest of the planet and every human being on it.
Whatever this moment in time will ultimately be named, it won’t last forever. That does not feel the case right now, but past plagues, wars, and history informs us that it won’t. last. forever.
Once we have a moment to reflect and look back, what name will we use for who we were? Who we are? Who we will be?
If a person loves a flower that is the only one of its kind on all the millions and millions of stars, then gazing at the night sky is enough to make him happy. He says to himself “my flower is out there somewhere.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupery, The Little Prince
However you observe this day, be helpful and be hopeful. That’s halloween enough for me.
Shirley J 💜
Read the stories about my pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela, Spain: here.