- Deeply Rooted………. 01/01/2023
- One or Two More Things………. 01/08/2023
- Fix That Dripping Faucet………. 01/15/2023
- Swapping Out Stair Carpet………. 01/22/2023
- Finishing the Stairs………. 01/29/2023
- Salvaged Handrails………. 02/05/2023
- Unanswered Ideas………. 02/14/2023
- With A Little Patience: An Adze………. 02/21/2023
- Leather Sheath for An Adze………. 02/28/2023
- Ask A Woman……… 03/08/2023
- A New Fret Saw Handle………. 03/15/2023
- Curly Haired Girl Sticker……… 03/21/2023
- The Beginning of a Bowl………. 03/28/2023
- Dipping Into the Bowl……… 04/04/2023
- Finishing the Bowl………. 04/11/2023
- Making a Hook Knife Handle………. 04/18/2023
- Making a Hook Knife Sheath………. 04/25/2023.
- The End of the Workday……….. 05/01/2023
- 🇪🇸NP: The Walk of My Life……… 05/09/2023
- In My Grandmother’s Time………. 05/14/2023
- NP: MMOG Backpack – Part 1………. 05/19/2023
- NP: MMOG Backpack – Part 2………. 05/24/2023
- NP: Inside My Backpack………. 05/29/2023
- NP: Personal Pouch and Tote………. 06/05/2023
- NP: Praying with My Feet………. 06/10/2023
- NP: Spain………. 06/14/2023
- NP: What is Camino Mozárabe………. 06/20/2023
- NP: Speak to Me………. 06/25/2023
- NP: I’m Not There Yet………. 06/29/2023
- NP: Almeria………. 07/02/2023
- NP: Speak to Me, Too………. 07/04/2023
- NP: I’m Not There Yet – The Albergue……… 07/08/2023
- NP: Granada………. 07/11/2023
- NP: I’m Not There Yet – Places………. 07/14/2023
- NP: Stop For A Coffee………. 07/17/2023
- NP: A Bad Day is A Bad Day………. 07/21/2023
- NP: Casa de America………. 07/24/2023
- NP: Invisible to The World………. 07/26/2023
- NP: Stranger on Earth………. 07/31/2023
- NP: Cordoba……… 08/03/2023
- NP: What I Want………. 08/07/2023
- NP: Merida………. 08/10/2023
- NP: Celebrate Cute Curly Cork………. 08/13/2023
- NP: Reading the Signs……….. 08/21/2023
- NP: Reading the Signs – Part 2………. 08/23/2023
- NP: Salamanca………. 08/26/2023
- NP: Whatever Your Walk……….08/30/2023
- NP: Zamora……… 09/02/2023
- NP: Almost Family………. 09/06/2023
- NP: A Plateful of Love………. 09/09/2023
- NP: Courage………. 09/11/2023
- NP: A Spanish Chest………. 09/13/2023
- NP: Ourense………. 09/16/2023
- NP: On The Threshold……… 09/18/2023
- NP: Santiago de Compostela……….. 09/21/2023
- NP: Fisterra …………. 09/24/2023
- NP: Santiago Two……….. 09/26/2023
- NP: For All There is To Come………. 09/28/2023
- NP: Madrid……….. 09/30/2023
- NP: After the Camino………. 10/02/2023
- I Trust Myself………. 10/09/2023
- Trees………. 10/13/2023
- Praying With My Feet – Part 2………. 10/19/2023
- Praying With My Feet – Part 3………. 10/20/2023
- I’m Not There Yet But I’m Closer Than I Was………. 10/24/2023
- October Flower Too……… 10/27/2023
- A World of Possibilities…… 11/03/2023
- Remembering………. 11/11/2023
- Return to The Japanese Garden………. 11/15/2023
- Microwave Niche………. 11/19/2023
- A Little Electrical Work………. 11/27/2023
- Powder Room Renovation……….12/01/2023
- Storage Under the Stairs………. 12/06/2023
- Learning Dangerous Things………. 12/11/2023
- Bookshelf to Bookcase………. 12/16/2023
- Roof Access Hatch………. 12/21/2023
- Black Madonna………. 12/26/2023
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Noire Pilgrim camino posts: 2023
Author: Shirley J ♥️